China’s role in Myanmar’s coup and its impact on Vietnam

Myanmar politics reversed and its relationship with China After the coupon February 1, the Myanmar army took complete control of the country. This is quite a surprise event for all the world. In fact, the allegations of “election fraud” seem…
Did China build a missile base near Vietnam’s border?

According to a tweet by South China Sea News, satellite imagery showed what appeared to be a surface-to-air missile base being completed in Ninh Minh district. of Guangxi province, China, about 20 km from the Vietnamese border in early 2021…
Một đề xuất làm Nguyễn Phú Trọng phải “lo sợ”?!

Link Video: Vấn đề Trung Quốc và sự nghiệp chính trị của quan chức cấp cao trong chính quyền CS nó luôn gắn bó với nhau. Không một cá nhân nào không tham gia nhóm lợi ích chính trị…